Instructions for building Vectaport software on Solaris 2.6: Revised April 1999. 0. Create /usr/local if it doesn't already exist. 1. Obtain a gzip Solaris binary from a GNU ftp site that has binaries. You will need to use the -d option to decompress files. Here is a sun4 binary that still works on Solaris: 2. acquire a binary gcc for solaris 2.6 from: binaries for egcs-1.0.3 would probably work as well. 3. Add /usr/local/bin, /usr/ccs/bin and /usr/X/bin in that order to the front of your PATH in the .profile file in your home directory. Re-login or set it in the current shell before building 4. Install the GNUgcc package: zcat GNUgcc.2.8.1.SPARC.Solaris.2.6.pkg.tgz | tar xvf - su c "pkgadd -d`pwd` GNUgcc" Make a symbolic link from /usr/local/bin/gcc to /usr/local/bin/cc. 5. Obtain libstdc++-2.8.1.tar.gz from a GNU ftp site. If you desire to build gcc from source, obtain gcc-2.8.1.tar.gz as well. Alternately you can obtain a recent copy of egcs. You might have less problem with optimization bugs with egcs. 6. Skip this item if you don't care about building gcc from source. Untar gcc-2.8.1, cd there and configure it without GNU as and GNU ld: ./configure make LANGUAGES=c make stage1 make CC="stage1/xgcc -Bstage1/" CFLAGS="-g -O2" make install CC="stage1/xgcc -Bstage1/" CFLAGS="-g -O2" 7. Build and install libstdc++-2.8.1 in the default manner. 8. Build clippoly. Edit Makefile: Add -fPIC to CFLAGS and CCFLAGS make Make a shared library: gcc -shared -o *.o 9. Build ACE-4.6 Use ace/config-sunos5.5-g++.h as ace/config.h Use include/makeinclude/platform_sunos5_g++.GNU as include/makeinclude/platform_macros.GNU Edit platform_macros.GNU PIC line to look like this: PIC = -fPIC Edit ace/Name_Request_Reply.h line 27 (after includes & before classes) #undef MAX_NAME_LEN make 10. Build and install qhull in the default manner. 11. Obtain a copy of ivtools from If you are building ivtools-0.7.5, read the additional instructions at (subsequent versions will have these things fixed). Read and follow the instructions in the INSTALL file. The steps are: a. Configure with ./configure. Here is an example of using the configure script: ./configure --with-ace=/proj/ACE_wrappers --with-clippoly=/proj/clippoly --enable-install-relative --enable-use-rpath b. Build with: make World c. Install with: su -c "make install" 12. Build and install PROJ.4.3.3 in the default manner. 13. Optionally build MesaLib-3.0 and vtk-2.2. For Mesa use the "make sunos5-x11r6-gcc-sl" command. For vtk edit the Mesa pathnames (MESA_INCLUDE and MESA_LIB) in user.make and then use --with-mesa and --with-shared for configure: ./configure --with-mesa --with-shared 14. Obtain vhclmaps from If you are building vhclmaps-0.7, the additional instructions described above for ivtools-0.7.5 apply as well. Read and follow the instructions in the INSTALL file. The steps are: a. Configure with ./configure. Here is an example of using the configure script: ./configure --with-ace=/proj/ACE_wrappers --with-clippoly=/proj/clippoly --enable-install-relative --enable-use-rpath --with-vtk=/proj/vtk --with-opengl=/proj/Mesa-3.0 --with-ivtools=/proj/ivtools-0.7 b. Build with: make World c. Install with: su -c "make install"